
ePMP 3000L Access Point

Access Point with GPS Sync-Power Cord
Manufacturer: Cambium Networks
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Cambium Networks’ ePMP product line has setthe standard for high performance, scalabilityand reliability in harsh interference environmentsall at a compelling price. The ePMP 3000L is thethird generation access point (AP) that carries onthe interference tolerance mechanisms with anemphasis on high-performance in low-density pointto multipoint sectors. The ePMP 3000L is a 2X2MIMO connectorized access point that can supporta wide variety of deployments including 90/120degree sectors, narrow-sector horns or even 360degree omni coverage. In addition, the ePMP 3000Lcontinues interference mitigation techniques withsupport of TDD synchronization using GPS andthe robust software from the ePMP product line.The ePMP 3000L AP system consists of the ePMP3000L AP, an optional 2X2 sector antenna and awide variety of subscriber modules with varyingform factors and link budgets.The ePMP 3000L system boasts high packet persecond performance, peak throughput of 600 Mbpsand supports subscriber modules with up to 600Mbps of peak throughput.

Key Advantages

  • MicroPOP Applications: ePMP 3000L is ideally suited for areas with low density or small numbers of subscribers. With support for narrow-band sectors and omnis, coverage can be added exactly where needed.
  • Frequency Reuse: Supports GPS synchronization and SM Transmit power control to allow for frequency re-use.
  • Unmatched Performance and Scalability: With the efficient Cambium Networks MAC protocol and advanced air-fairness scheduler the ePMP 3000L supports high performance and low consistent latency to subscribers.

Key Specifications

  • 2X2 MIMO support with peak throughput of 600 Mbps
  • 256QAM-5/6, 80 MHz support
  • Supports a wide frequency range: 4910 to 5950 MHz
  • Frequency re-use with GPS sync and interference mitigation
  • Connectorized for use with sector antenna. Also compatible with RF Elements Twistport(tm) Adaptor for ePMP
  • Cloud or on-premises network management with cnMaestro
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